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Sophia Bush Dating Ashlyn Harris Months after Divorce

Sophia Bush, former 'One Tree Hill' actress, is reportedly dating Ashlyn Harris, a retired US soccer star and World Cup winner. They have been seen together recently and are said to be starting new chapters in their lives.

Sophia Bush, known for her role in "One Tree Hill," is rumored to be dating Ashlyn Harris, a retired United States soccer star and World Cup winner. The actress recently ended her 13-month marriage to Grant Hughes in August. According to sources, Sophia and Ashlyn have been spending time together over the past couple of weeks after being friends for years and running in the same social circles.

Their relationship is still new, and both individuals are starting new chapters in their lives. Pictures shared online by Canadian soccer star Selenia Iacchelli show the pair together. An insider confirmed that Sophia and Ashlyn are indeed a couple.

Ashlyn recently filed for divorce from her wife, Ali Krieger, with whom she shares two children. However, their divorce process began months ago, and they have been living apart since the summer. The source clarified that there is no scandalous story behind Sophia and Ashlyn's romance, despite the public's desire for one.

Sophia and Grant decided to go their separate ways just seven weeks after celebrating their first anniversary. Despite the split, they remain on good terms. The couple had been friends for 10 years and connected during the COVID-19 pandemic through their shared passion for community service. They continue to run their nonprofit organization together and maintain a strong friendship.

In June, Sophia expressed that marrying Grant was the best decision of her life. She shared a now-deleted Instagram post celebrating their first anniversary, describing their marriage as ecstatic and full of laughter and love. She referred to Grant as her favorite and expressed excitement for their future together.

Overall, Sophia Bush's new relationship with Ashlyn Harris has sparked interest, but the couple is focused on their new beginnings. Despite recent changes in their personal lives, both Sophia and Ashlyn are embarking on exciting journeys.

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