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Nate Bargatze's Hilarious SNL Opening Monologue Pokes Fun at Aging

Comedian Nate Bargatze's SNL monologue featured jokes about the future, his age, Afrin addiction, and bad reading habits.

Comedian Nate Bargatze graced the stage of "Saturday Night Live" with his unique brand of self-deprecating humor. In his opening monologue, Bargatze entertained the audience with jokes about various topics, including his age, his addiction to Afrin nasal spray, and his reading habits.

As Bargatze took the stage at 30 Rockefeller Plaza, he humorously expressed his surprise at being there, stating, "I'm as shocked as you all are that I'm here." He then delved into the theme of the future, remarking on how advanced the world has become. Coming from the 1900s, he humorously observed that he feels out of place in this futuristic world. He even pointed out the trend of hotels opting for half glass doors in showers, jokingly noting that "in the future, the floors are always wet."

Continuing with the theme of the future, Bargatze playfully mentioned his 11-year-old daughter, humorously stating that she won't reach his current age of 44 until 2057. He comically questioned the legitimacy of that year, joking that even his movies didn't envision such a distant future. He amusingly compared himself to a pilgrim, highlighting the vast differences he perceives between himself and someone living in 2057.

Bargatze then shared an amusing anecdote about his parents, emphasizing that many people are older than him, including his own parents. He recounted a funny incident where his mom mistakenly went to the wrong house while picking up his daughter. Drawing a humorous parallel, he likened the encounter between his mom and the other grandmother to two dogs seeing each other through a fence, anticipating a lengthy interaction.

The comedian didn't miss the opportunity to poke fun at his dad as well. He revealed that his dad had to undergo surgery due to his addiction to Afrin nasal spray. With a touch of sarcasm, Bargatze advised against getting involved with Afrin, jokingly claiming it to be one of the best things he has ever been a part of. He humorously shared how his mom compelled his dad to admit to the doctor that he had been using Afrin for a whopping 45 years, remarking that no medicine encourages such a long-term commitment.

Bargatze concluded his monologue by teasing his own reading habits, confessing that he doesn't read books. He playfully described books as intimidating, stating that they are filled with an overwhelming amount of words. He humorously suggested adding blank pages to give readers a breather. His lack of reading led to surprising moments for him when watching movies based on true events, such as his reaction to the film "Pearl Harbor."

In addition to his SNL appearance, Bargatze shared his upcoming tour dates, including shows in Illinois, Las Vegas, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Georgia, Florida, Iowa, and other states. The tour is set to conclude on June 27, 2024, in Indianapolis.

Overall, Bargatze's SNL opening monologue showcased his comedic talent, delivering a mix of self-deprecating humor and witty observations on various topics. His jokes about the future, his parents, and his personal quirks entertained the audience and left them eagerly anticipating his upcoming shows.

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