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Amy Schumer Turns IG Comments Back On: Accepting Love and Feedback

Amy Schumer reopens Instagram comments after disabling them due to backlash over her Israeli-Palestinian conflict remarks.

Amy Schumer has decided to turn her Instagram comments back on after temporarily disabling them due to backlash over her remarks about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In a new post on Wednesday, the comedian announced that she was opening up her comments section and accepting love and feedback. She expressed her desire for the safe return of all hostages and for safety and freedom for both Palestinians and Israelis. Schumer also emphasized her wish for safety for Jewish people and Muslims, stating that she wants peace for everyone.

In her post, Schumer clarified that she would never wish harm on anyone and that accusations of Islamophobia or support for genocide are unfounded. She acknowledged the demand from her followers to enable comments and asked them to keep certain things in mind while engaging in the discussion.

This decision comes after Schumer shared a video of Martin Luther King Jr. denouncing anti-Semitism. However, she was corrected by Bernice King, the daughter of the late civil rights leader, who stated that her father would have supported a ceasefire. Schumer's recent post addresses some personal matters as well, such as her financial success and her relationship with her relative Chuck Schumer.

Schumer's post received support from friends and followers, including Orlando Bloom and Kate Hudson. Many expressed their love for her and commended her as a brilliant comedian and an inspiration for women.

The comedian has been posting in support of Israel following the deadly attack by Hamas on October 7. Israel responded with airstrikes on Gaza, leading to calls for a ceasefire. Schumer's posts on the topic have faced criticism, with comments attacking her views, appearance, and weight. In response, she disabled comments on her previous posts. However, her recent post shows her willingness to engage in a discussion and accept feedback.

Schumer's mention of MLK's video sparked a response from Bernice King, who clarified her father's stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. She emphasized that MLK believed in ending militarism, racism, and poverty, and would have called for a ceasefire and the release of hostages. Bernice encouraged Schumer to read her father's book and work towards true peace and justice.

It is important to note that the casualty figures mentioned in the article have not been independently verified. The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) claim that 1,400 Israelis were killed and over 200 were kidnapped in the October 7 attack by Hamas. The Gaza Health Ministry reports that Israel's counter-offensive has resulted in the deaths of approximately 8,500 Palestinians.

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