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Loki season 2 episode 5 review and ending explained

Loki races against time to save his new home and all of time in the penultimate episode of season 2, delivering moments of self-reflection.

Loki's second season is nearing its finale, and the penultimate episode brings a thrilling race against time and moments of self-reflection for the titular god of mischief.

In "Science/Fiction," Loki finds himself in the TVA after the Temporal Loom's meltdown. As the TVA begins to vanish, Loki's time-slipping returns, sending him across time and space. He visits the branches where Mobius, B-15, Casey, and OB originated, gaining insight into their lives before the TVA.

OB, a former theoretical physicist, helps Loki attempt to control his time-slipping, but they are unsuccessful. Meanwhile, OB works on a makeshift temp-pad using a TVA handbook Loki found. Loki reunites with Mobius, who has no memory of the TVA, and tensions rise. Thanks to OB's intervention, Mobius agrees to join Loki to protect his sons.

Loki brings Casey and B-15 back to the TVA and tries to convince Sylvie to return as well. Sylvie initially refuses, but changes her mind after witnessing her branch unravel. With Sylvie's help, they search for the point in time to stop the Temporal Loom's meltdown, but it's too late as their branch begins to unravel. Eventually, Loki is left alone as time ends, but he discovers he has the power to stop it.

The episode balances the urgency of the race against time with intimate moments between Loki, Mobius, OB, and Sylvie. Tom Hiddleston and Owen Wilson deliver strong performances, showcasing their characters' complexities. Wilson shines as Mobius outside of the TVA, revealing a different side to his character. Hiddleston excels in the personal moments between Loki and Sylvie, displaying their chemistry and depth.

The episode's ending sees Loki finally gaining control of his time-slipping just as reality unravels. He goes back in time to rewrite his fate and potentially save everyone else. This sets up Loki as a potential hero, but also hints at a possible sacrifice for the sake of the TVA and existence.

"Science/Fiction" is a must-watch episode, especially with its cliffhanger ending. It continues to deliver the unique blend of science fiction and personal moments that have made Loki stand out in the MCU. The question now is whether the season finale will live up to expectations.

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