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Lawmen Bass Reeves Episode 2 Recap Judge Jury Executioner

Bass Reeves joins a Deputy U.S. Marshal posse, saves a dying man, and proves his worth as a lawman.

Lawmen: Bass Reeves' second episode continues the story of Bass Reeves and his journey into becoming a U.S. Marshal. The episode begins with Bass and his family settled in Van Buren, Ark., struggling to make their land yield crops. Bass questions whether he has angered God, but he promises his wife Jennie that he won't give up. One day, a Deputy U.S. Marshal named Sherill Lynn arrives and recognizes Bass's skills in shooting and speaking Choctaw. Despite Bass's insistence that he is a farmer, Lynn convinces him to join his posse by highlighting the financial struggles of providing for his growing family.

Bass and Jennie now have four children, with another on the way. Jennie encourages Bass to seize the opportunity presented to him, and he eventually agrees to join Lynn on a job. Along the way, they encounter a dying man in a Bible society wagon who warns them to run before they are attacked by a bandit. Bass's sharp shooting saves them, but the man in the wagon passes away. Lynn mocks Bass's belief in God after spending half his life in chains, but Bass explains that his faith gives him hope. Before leaving, Bass buries the attack victim.

As they continue their journey, Lynn shares a traumatic experience he had with Native Americans, which has influenced his views on them. Bass, however, believes that regardless of race, all men are equal. They arrive at the house of a man named Charlie, whom Lynn has a warrant for. When the woman inside refuses to open the door, Lynn starts shooting, but Bass intervenes and learns that Charlie is her cousin and she's tired of paying his debts. Bass promises to bring her news about Charlie and gives her money to repair her home.

At Charlie's hideout, a shootout ensues, and Lynn gets shot in the arm. As Bass tries to negotiate with Charlie, Lynn sets the house on fire, forcing Charlie to run out engulfed in flames. Bass is left with no choice but to shoot Charlie in the head to end his suffering. Later, Bass tends to Lynn's wound, but their conversation turns heated when Lynn boasts about being judge, jury, and executioner. Bass finally loses his patience and punches Lynn before leaving.

On his way home, Bass fulfills his promise to inform Charlie's cousin about what happened. She thanks him for trying and reveals that she wasn't surprised by the outcome. When Bass returns home, he is greeted warmly by his family, and he is surprised to find that Jennie has bought a piano. However, Bass confesses that he hit another white man, referring to Lynn. He promises to find a way to pay for the piano, but Lynn arrives the next day with two other men. Lynn acknowledges that he would have acted the same way in their previous job, and he has spoken to Judge Parker about making Bass a deputy U.S. Marshal. Lynn questions whether Bass can handle the weight of the badge, to which Bass confidently replies that he can.

In conclusion, the second episode of Lawmen: Bass Reeves showcases Bass's journey into becoming a U.S. Marshal, highlighting his skills, values, and the challenges he faces along the way.

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