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OLED Screen on the New Steam Deck

Valve announces new Steam Deck OLED with better screen, battery, and storage. Release date set for November 16th. Pre-order now.

The Steam Deck has revolutionized the way we play PC games on the go, and now, with the introduction of the Steam Deck OLED, things are about to get even better. The new OLED screen brings darker blacks and better colors, along with a larger 7.4-inch size and a 90Hz refresh rate, making games look more vivid and flow better than ever before.

But it's not just the screen that's getting an upgrade. The new Steam Deck also features a bigger battery, a more efficient custom Zen 2 chip, faster RAM, up to 1TB of storage, and support for Wi-Fi 6E. These improvements address the weaknesses of the original Steam Deck and make the device even better.

While this isn't a full-fledged Steam Deck 2, it's a significant upgrade that brings much-needed efficiency and a major screen enhancement. The new Steam Deck OLED starts at $549.99 and will be released on November 16th. You can put it on your Steam wishlist now so you'll be one of the first to get your hands on it. With so many improvements, it's clear that the Steam Deck OLED is a game-changer for portable PC gaming.

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