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Brotherhood Beyond Friends: Matt LeBlanc Farewell Co-Star Matthew Perry

"Friends" actor Matt LeBlanc emotionally pays tribute to late co-star Matthew Perry, remembering cherished memories and expressing love and grief.

Actor Matt LeBlanc shared a heartfelt tribute to his late "Friends" co-star Matthew Perry, marking his first public comments since Perry was found dead at his home in Pacific Palisades. LeBlanc took to Instagram to express his grief, sharing a series of photos of the two on the "Friends" set.

In his post, LeBlanc reminisced about the cherished moments they had together, calling them some of the favorite times of his life. He expressed his honor in sharing the stage with Perry and referred to him as a friend, vowing to always smile when thinking of him and never forgetting him. LeBlanc concluded his tribute by encouraging Perry to "spread your wings and fly" and jokingly mentioning the 20 dollars Perry owed him.

LeBlanc's character Joey and Perry's Chandler were roommates and best friends on the long-running comedy series, "Friends." LeBlanc is the first cast member to publicly comment individually on Perry's death, with the rest of the cast issuing a joint statement two days after the tragic news.

The joint statement expressed devastation at the loss of Perry, emphasizing the strong bond they shared as a cast, referring to themselves as a family. The statement also mentioned the intention to take time to grieve and process the loss before sharing more about their feelings.

Perry, 54, was found in a hot tub at his home, and the cause of death has not been determined. The actor had openly discussed his struggle with addiction, having battled addiction to Vicodin during his time on "Friends" and undergoing multiple stints in rehab.

In 2022, Perry published a memoir detailing his struggles with drugs, alcohol, weight gain and loss, and a harrowing account of a near-death experience following an emergency surgery. The cocreators and executive producer of "Friends" also issued a joint statement expressing shock and deep sadness at Perry's passing, highlighting his brilliance as a talent and the impact he had both on and off-screen.

The statement described Perry's embodiment of the role of Chandler Bing as irreplaceable and emphasized the joy, light, and intelligence he brought to every moment. They concluded by sending love to Perry's family and friends, acknowledging the heartbreak felt by all.

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