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Princess Diana 'ghost' in 'The Crown': Show creator says it isn't her

"The Crown" final season depicts Princess Diana posthumously, sparking criticism from viewers, while creators defend the portrayal as an extension of her life.

The latest season of "The Crown" has caused quite a stir with its portrayal of Princess Diana appearing beyond the grave. The show's creator, Peter Morgan, has faced criticism for his decision to depict Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Charles having conversations with the late princess after her untimely death. However, Morgan has defended his approach, stating that he never intended to portray Diana as a traditional "ghost."

In a recent interview with Variety, Morgan explained that he saw Diana's posthumous appearances as a way to represent her continuing impact on those she left behind. He emphasized that he was not writing from a supernatural perspective but rather trying to capture the vivid presence that Diana still holds in the minds of her loved ones. Actress Elizabeth Debicki, who portrays Diana in the series, echoed Morgan's sentiments, describing his approach as a beautiful way to explore the experience of grief.

Despite the controversy surrounding the depiction of Diana's posthumous appearances, Morgan has emphasized that he wanted to give her special treatment narratively. He wanted to anthropomorphize the grief that the queen and prince might have felt in her absence, rather than portraying her as a traditional ghost. This approach has sparked a debate among viewers, with some finding it moving and others criticizing it as an overreach.

Ultimately, "The Crown" has once again pushed the boundaries of historical storytelling, prompting discussions about how we portray and remember figures like Princess Diana. Whether or not viewers agree with Morgan's approach, it's clear that his unique interpretation of Diana's continuing impact has sparked a significant conversation about grief and remembrance.

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