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Shadow and Bone Ben Barnes Jessie Mei Li Netflix Cancellation BTS Videos

"Shadow and Bone" stars express sadness over show's end, share behind-the-scenes moments. Cast members bid farewell to beloved series.

Ben Barnes, who played General Kirigan, expressed his feelings about the show's unexpected conclusion on Instagram. He expressed his excitement to see the talented cast and crew continue their journey with the characters and story of Shadow and Bone. Despite the sadness of the show's end, he expressed pride in being a part of it. Barnes also shared behind-the-scenes content, including videos of him rehearsing the sounds of the nichevo'ya monsters.

Jessie Mei Li, who played Alina Starkov, shared her screen test for the role in 2019, reflecting on her time on the show and expressing gratitude for the experience. She also posted Instagram Stories with co-stars Ben Barnes and Archie Renaux, expressing her excitement for new opportunities while acknowledging the lasting friendships made on the show.

Archie Renaux, who played Mal, also shared a bittersweet farewell on X (formerly Twitter), expressing his love for the show and gratitude for the experience. He thanked fans for their support and expressed regret that the next chapter of the story will not be told.

The cast's heartfelt messages and behind-the-scenes content give fans a glimpse into their emotional journey as the show comes to an end. Despite the sadness of the conclusion, the cast members express gratitude for the experience and excitement for the future.

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