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Chelsea Man City fear drop Everton penalty sends shockwaves boardrooms

Manchester City and Chelsea at risk of Premier League relegation after Everton's record ten-point deduction, facing compensation claims and investigations.

Manchester City and Chelsea are bracing themselves for the possibility of relegation from the Premier League after Everton was hit with a record ten-point deduction for violating strict Financial Fair Play rules. This has raised concerns that both City and Chelsea, who are also under investigation for potential breaches, could face similar punishment and be booted out of the top flight.

Top sports lawyer Stefan Borson has warned that if City and Chelsea are found guilty, any punishment could potentially lead to relegation. This unprecedented points deduction for Everton has sent shockwaves through the league and has raised the stakes for other clubs under investigation.

City has vehemently denied all allegations and has engaged top legal representation to lead their defense, while Chelsea has flagged up issues that occurred during Roman Abramovich's reign at the club. The independent commission that imposed Everton's penalty found that the club had misled Premier League officials and violated league rules by exceeding the agreed-upon financial limit over three years.

The commission's decision has also raised concerns for the owners of Everton, with new prospective owners 777 Partners acknowledging that the possibility of points deductions and relegation had been "priced in" to the final sale figure. This landmark moment in Premier League history has set a precedent for how financial breaches will be handled in the future, and has left clubs like City and Chelsea on edge as they await the outcome of their own investigations.

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