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David Letterman Returns to The Late Show, Discusses Missed Moments and Predecessor

David Letterman's return to The Late Show after eight years was full of jokes, fun, and a selfie with Stephen Colbert.

David Letterman made a triumphant return to The Late Show on Monday, eight years after handing over the keys to Stephen Colbert. The former host had "a few observations" about the new operation while reflecting on some of the things he loved and misses most.

With no real agenda for being on the show other than to catch up with Colbert and drop a few classic Letterman isms and jokes along the way, Letterman shared his immediate observations upon arriving at the Ed Sullivan Theater for his interview. He was impressed with how good and fancy everything looked, comparing it to a mall and Rodeo Drive, and marveled at the snacks and the menu provided in the dressing room, joking that it was nicer than any hotel he had ever stayed in.

Letterman also took time to give Colbert due respect for the consistent work he's done over the past eight years, congratulating him and his staff on their great success. When asked what he misses most about the job, Letterman expressed that he misses everything, particularly the opportunity to try again if he mucks something up.

He also reminisced about the great musicians and music involved with his show, sharing his favorite moments, including frightening encounters with Green Day's drummer and the willingness of bands like The National and Foo Fighters to leave their tours to come and perform on the show.

The conversation also touched on personal topics such as the loss of a mutual friend's son, life as empty nesters, and the "errands" that come with such a life. Letterman and Colbert also looked back on their final meeting together in Letterman's office, where they discussed moving the desk to a different spot on the stage and finding a place to hide from producers.

The interview ended with a handshake and a bro-hug, as well as a selfie at the desk, with Letterman joking that he would never have allowed it in his day. The pair also gave some love to mutual friend Dana Carvey, whose son died last week, and Letterman took some time to discuss what life is like now that he and his wife are empty nesters.

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