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Jamie Oliver best world turkey recipe packed flavour

Jamie Oliver shares the "best" turkey recipe, promising to make the meat "succulent" and "flavorful" and the skin "extra crispy".

Christmas Day is a time of feasting and celebration, with many people enjoying a traditional turkey dinner. However, cooking a turkey can be a daunting task, as it is easy for the meat to become dry and tasteless. Fortunately, celebrity chef Jamie Oliver has shared his recipe for the "best in the world" Christmas turkey, which promises to be flavorful, succulent, and easy to prepare.

According to Oliver, the key to a perfect turkey is using the right ingredients to infuse the meat with a delicious, fragrant flavor. His recipe, which serves 10 people and cooks in just under five hours, requires a turkey weighing 6.5kg to 8kg. Oliver also recommends using flavored butter, which can be prepared in advance and will help the turkey to cook evenly and develop a crispy skin.

To prepare the turkey, cooks should start by gently separating the skin from the meat and spreading the flavored butter underneath. The turkey should then be stuffed with clementines and fresh herbs to infuse the meat with steam and flavor. After stuffing the bird, it should be placed in a roasting tray and covered with foil before being cooked in the oven at 180ºC/350ºF/gas four for approximately 35 to 40 minutes per kilogram.

Throughout the cooking process, the turkey should be basted with the juices from the bottom of the pan to prevent it from drying out. After about three and a half hours, the foil should be removed to allow the skin to become golden and crispy. To ensure that the turkey is fully cooked, a meat thermometer can be used to check the internal temperature. Once the turkey is done, it should be allowed to rest for at least one to two hours before being served.

By following Jamie Oliver's recipe, cooks can prepare a delicious, succulent Christmas turkey that is sure to impress their guests. With the right ingredients and cooking techniques, anyone can create a memorable holiday meal without the stress and worry of a dry, tasteless turkey.

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