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Thanksgiving Movies vs Thanksgiving TV Episodes: Why Almost Never?

Thanksgiving is more popular on TV than in movies due to Christmas overshadowing the holiday in film. Memorable sitcom episodes.

Thanksgiving is a major holiday that is celebrated in multiple countries around the world. While it is frequently portrayed in numerous TV episodes, there is a noticeable lack of movies about Thanksgiving. The reason for this could be attributed to the fact that Thanksgiving is often overshadowed by the Christmas season, particularly in the United States. Christmas is celebrated by people worldwide, and the release of numerous Christmas movies in late November tends to eclipse the Thanksgiving holiday, making it difficult for Thanksgiving movies to gain recognition.

In contrast, TV shows have the advantage of being able to dedicate an episode to Thanksgiving without competing with other holiday episodes, unlike movies. Sitcoms, in particular, have produced some of the most memorable and beloved Thanksgiving episodes, such as Friends and How I Met Your Mother, which provide viewers with comedic entertainment.

Despite its cultural significance, Thanksgiving is portrayed much more frequently on TV than in movies. While Thanksgiving is a particularly big deal in the United States, it is celebrated in many countries around the world, each with its own unique traditions and customs. Although the history of Thanksgiving is dark and messy, it holds sentimental value for many people.

There are some films about Thanksgiving, such as Eli Roth's horror movie "Thanksgiving," but these are exceptions rather than part of a larger trend. Compared to Christmas, which has countless movies and TV episodes dedicated to it, Thanksgiving does not receive the same level of representation in film. The close proximity of Thanksgiving to Christmas, the overshadowing of the holiday season, and the risk associated with marketing Thanksgiving movies may explain why there are more Thanksgiving TV episodes than movies.

Sitcoms have managed to capture the essence of Thanksgiving through their episodes, with some of the most iconic and beloved moments occurring during Thanksgiving-themed episodes. For instance, Friends features a Thanksgiving episode in every season, while How I Met Your Mother introduced the popular "Slapsgiving" trend. Other sitcoms such as New Girl, Modern Family, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, and Everybody Loves Raymond have also produced stellar Thanksgiving episodes.

In conclusion, while there may not be enough movies about Thanksgiving, there is never a shortage of Thanksgiving sitcom episodes. Until more movies about Thanksgiving are produced, Thanksgiving will continue to be primarily portrayed through TV shows.

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