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Reasons for CM Punk's departure from WWE in 2014

CM Punk's shocking return to WWE after nearly a decade has wrestling fans buzzing, with speculation about his future in the company.

CM Punk's triumphant return to WWE at the Survivor Series WarGames 2023 Premium Live Event sent shockwaves through the wrestling world, delighting fans everywhere. After nearly a decade away, the Second City Saint has made a surprising comeback to the company, prompting questions about his departure from the Stamford-based promotion. However, we have the answers you seek.

Punk burst onto the scene in 2006 in ECW, quickly amassing a dedicated fan base and becoming a beloved figure in the wrestling world. Despite his popularity, he felt that WWE never fully utilized his talents, a sentiment he expressed in his infamous Pipebomb Promo. In a post-media scrum for AEW, Punk revealed that he felt his ten years in WWE were squandered, as he believed the creative team failed to help him reach his full potential.

One of Punk's most iconic moments came in 2011 when he captured the WWE Championship from Alberto Del Rio, embarking on a historic 434-day reign. However, he still felt overlooked and underappreciated, especially when he was not in the main event of WrestleMania 28, which featured The Rock and John Cena instead.

Throughout his time in WWE, Punk clashed with top executives such as Vince McMahon and Triple H, leading to his departure in 2014. His return to the company almost a decade later was completely unexpected, adding an extra layer of excitement to an already incredible weekend.

Triple H, a key figure in WWE's management, commented on Punk's return, emphasizing that the decision was ultimately driven by the desires of the fans. He also hinted at personal growth, suggesting that both he and Punk have evolved as individuals since their previous interactions.

As for Punk's future in WWE, details remain scarce. It remains to be seen which rivalries he will become embroiled in and what his next moves will be within the company. One thing is for certain: CM Punk's return has injected a new level of excitement and anticipation into the world of wrestling, leaving fans eager to see what the future holds for this iconic figure.

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