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UCLA football season ends with lopsided loss to Cal

UCLA football falls to Cal Berkeley 33-7 after costly turnovers and a tumultuous game at the Rose Bowl.

UCLA football came close to defeating all Pac-12 opponents from California, but ultimately fell to Cal Berkeley, 33-7, in a tumultuous game at the Rose Bowl on Saturday night.

The Bruins (7-5 overall, 4-5 in Pac-12) struggled with costly turnovers, and quarterback Dante Moore was sacked six times during the game. Cal's Jaydn Ott led the team with 80 rushing yards, and the Bruins' defense allowed an uncharacteristic 124 rushing yards.

The game began with quarterback Ethan Garbers suffering an apparent injury on the first drive, leading to Dante Moore stepping into the position. However, Moore was intercepted by Cal's Craig Woodson on his first pass thrown, allowing the Golden Bears to take an early 3-0 lead.

Despite some moments of composure from Moore, the Bruins struggled to find their footing, missing a field goal and allowing Cal to score a touchdown and take a 20-7 lead at halftime.

Cal added another field goal in the final quarter, and a fumble by Colson Yankoff on the kick return gave the Golden Bears another opportunity to score. The game ended with a final field goal, resulting in a 33-7 defeat for the Bruins.

The loss marks the end of the season for the Bruins, who now await a potential placement in a bowl game.

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