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Funeral service for former first lady Rosalynn Carter in Plains, Georgia - LIVE stream

Rosalynn Carter to be buried in her hometown of Plains, Georgia, after a life of global humanitarian work.

Rosalynn Carter will be laid to rest in her hometown of Plains, Georgia, where she was born and lived for over 80 years. The funeral will take place at Maranatha Baptist Church, the same church where she and her husband, former President Jimmy Carter, welcomed guests and worshipped when they were not traveling. The service comes after three days of public tributes in Americus and Atlanta.

Rosalynn Carter will be buried in a plot she will share with her husband, the 99-year-old former president. The former first lady, who died at the age of 96, will be remembered for her global advocacy work, her role as Jimmy Carter's political adviser, and her efforts to improve mental health care and support caregivers in the United States. She traveled to developing nations to fight disease, famine, and abuse of women and girls.

The funeral will be a simpler affair, reflecting the small-town roots that Rosalynn Carter never lost. The church in Plains seats fewer people and has no grand organ, but it holds personal significance for the Carters. Family members will speak at the service, and Pastor Tony Lowden, a close friend of the Carters, will offer a eulogy.

The motorcade will pass through Plains, where townspeople have put up holiday lights and decorations in her honor. Her casket will pass by sites that hold significance in her life, including the high school where she was valedictorian, the church where she married Jimmy Carter, and the Carter compound, where she lived for 47 years.

Rosalynn Carter's legacy will live on in the town she called home and in the hearts of those who knew her. Her work, from her home state of Georgia to over 120 countries, was driven by her faith and compassion. Her passing is a reminder of the impact one person can make on the world.

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