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Paul Walker daughter Meadow shares home video 10th anniversary actor death

Paul Walker's daughter, Meadow, honors her late father with a touching home video on the 10th anniversary of his death.

Paul Walker, best known for his role in the "Fast and the Furious" franchise, tragically passed away in a car crash on November 30, 2013. His daughter, Meadow, recently shared a heartwarming home video of her and her father to commemorate the 10th anniversary of his passing. In the video, Meadow surprises her dad on his birthday, prompting a startled but loving reaction from Paul. The touching post from Meadow received an outpouring of love and support from fans and fellow Fast and Furious star, Jordana Brewster.

Meadow has been vocal about her love and admiration for her late father over the years, regularly sharing tributes and memories. In a recent Instagram post, she expressed her gratitude for being able to honor her father's legacy by making a cameo in the latest installment of the Fast and Furious series, Fast X. Meadow reflected on growing up on set, watching her father and the rest of the cast work, and expressed her disbelief and joy at now being a part of the franchise herself.

In addition to her budding acting career, Meadow is also involved in modeling and continues her father's charitable work through The Paul Walker Foundation, which focuses on conservation efforts. Her dedication to preserving her father's legacy and giving back to the community is truly inspiring. Paul Walker may be gone, but his impact and memory continue to live on through his daughter and her ongoing work.

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