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Ethan Hawke on Working with Julia Roberts in Leave The World Behind

Ethan Hawke gushes about acting with Julia Roberts in "Leave the World Behind," impressed by her work as producer and star.

Ethan Hawke recently shared his excitement about acting alongside Julia Roberts in the new psychological thriller "Leave the World Behind." In an interview with Access Hollywood, Ethan expressed his admiration for Julia's talent and described her as a powerhouse in the entertainment industry. He also praised her for taking on the dual role of star and producer in the film, highlighting her ability to gracefully wield her power and maintain a strong presence on set.

The film also features Mahershala Ali, and Ethan emphasized the importance of collaborating with such great co-stars. He credited the collaborative process, led by director Sam Esmail, as a significant factor in his decision to join the project, noting that working with talented individuals like Mahershala and Julia was a key motivator for him.

Julia Roberts echoed Ethan's sentiments, expressing her delight in working with Mahershala and describing the experience as a creative playground. She emphasized the joy she felt on set, even during emotionally challenging scenes, and praised Mahershala for his heroic efforts in bringing his character to life.

Overall, both Ethan and Julia conveyed their enthusiasm for the project and the positive impact of working alongside talented co-stars. Their comments reflect a deep appreciation for the collaborative and creative aspects of filmmaking, as well as the joy and fulfillment they experienced throughout the production of "Leave the World Behind."

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