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HHW Gaming: Rockstar Games Releases GTA 6 Trailer Early Afternoon

Rockstar Games planned to release the GTA 6 trailer, but crypto dweebs leaked it, forcing an early release and social media frenzy.

Rockstar Games had initially planned to release the first trailer for GTA 6 on a specific date, but those plans were thwarted by some crypto enthusiasts who leaked the video early. This has become a common occurrence in today's digital age, where nothing seems to be kept under wraps for long.

The leaked trailer quickly spread across social media platforms, causing a frenzy among eager gamers. Despite the video being a low-quality rip with a crypto dweebs logo, fans couldn't resist watching it.

The account responsible for the leak was promptly suspended, and Rockstar Games worked diligently to remove the unauthorized videos. Ultimately, the game studio decided to embrace the situation and officially release the trailer ahead of schedule.

Sam Houser, the Founder of Rockstar Games, expressed excitement about the new installment in the Grand Theft Auto series, emphasizing the game's immersive and story-driven open-world experience. The trailer, set to Tom Petty's "Love is a Long Road," revealed that GTA 6 will feature its first female protagonist, Lucia, and will have a Bonnie and Clyde vibe set in Vice City.

The press release also announced that the game will be set in the state of Leonida, promising a larger and more immersive world than ever before. However, the release platforms, aside from PS5 and Xbox Series S | X, remain a mystery.

Unsurprisingly, social media erupted with a variety of reactions to the leaked trailer. Some fans expressed disappointment at the game's 2025 release date, while others made jokes about the fate of the leaker once they are discovered by Rockstar Games.

Despite the controversy, the anticipation for GTA 6 remains high, and fans are eagerly awaiting its release. In the meantime, the leaked trailer and the subsequent reactions continue to generate buzz across the gaming community.

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