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Vivek Ramaswamy Chris Christie Ukraine clash

"Christie wants to continue fighting to expel Russia from Ukraine" - A heated exchange between Chris Christie and Vivek Ramaswamy at the GOP Primary Debate.

Christie is determined to continue the fight to remove Russia from Ukraine, and this was a key point of contention during the fourth Republican presidential debate, which was broadcast exclusively on NewsNation. To stay updated on the debate and get all the information you need to make an informed decision at the polls, check out our Voter Guide. And don't worry if you're not sure how to find us on your TV - just use our ChannelFinder and download our app to access fact-based, unbiased news for all of America.

During the debate, former biotech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy and former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie clashed over Ukraine and foreign policy. Christie criticized Ramaswamy's stance on ending the war in Ukraine, stating that he would give Russia "all the land that they've already stolen." This debate comes at a time when American aid to Ukraine, which has exceeded $100 billion, has become a contentious issue among Republicans. The Senate recently failed to pass an aid package, with Republicans refusing to support it because aid to Israel and Ukraine was not paired with the border security changes they wanted.

Ramaswamy interjected, denying Christie's accusation and stating that it wasn't his proposal. Christie then accused Ramaswamy of constantly changing his positions and backing away from statements made on the campaign trail. In response, Ramaswamy referenced the "Bridgegate scandal" in New Jersey, challenging Christie's foreign policy experience.

A recent NewsNation/DecisionDesk HQ poll revealed that the majority of Americans want to keep U.S. troops out of foreign conflicts, a sentiment echoed by around three-quarters of Republican respondents who support plans for Ukraine that do not involve American soldiers.

Both candidates have consistently defended their positions, with Christie aligning with foreign policy hawks who want to continue supporting Ukraine against Russia, while Ramaswamy advocates for a deal to end the war.

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