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No Labels Supporters Happy to Give Consideration Nikki Haley GOP Nomination

No Labels Founder Joe Lieberman expressed openness to having Nikki Haley on their bipartisan ticket if her Republican campaign fails.

Earlier this week, No Labels Founder Joe Lieberman discussed the possibility of Republican presidential hopeful Nikki Haley joining their bipartisan ticket if her campaign for the Republican nomination is not successful. In a conversation with Neil Cavuto of Fox News' Your World, Lieberman mentioned that the organization would be open to having Haley on their ballot line, although they have not formally approached her about it. He noted that some of their "big supporters" are familiar with Haley and may already be in discussions with her about the idea.

Lieberman expressed his admiration for Haley and stated that if they were to run a ticket, many people in No Labels would be happy to consider her. Cavuto jokingly remarked on the organization's many ideas for prospective candidates, to which Lieberman shifted the focus to No Label's unique mission and their goal of achieving ballot access in all 50 states.

For those interested, a clip of Neil Cavuto's and Joe Lieberman's conversation is available on the Fox News website.

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