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Home improvement Liverpool 8 surveys starting

Plus Dane Housing partners with Mayor Rotheram and Liverpool City Region to improve homes, receives £8m funding for over 400 homes.

Plus Dane Housing has announced a new partnership with Mayor Steve Rotheram and the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority to improve hundreds of homes in the area. The organization received over £4m in matched funding from the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund, totaling over £8m, to improve more than 400 homes in Liverpool 8.

The funding is expected to have a significant impact on the lives of residents, making their homes more energy efficient and ultimately improving their quality of life. This is in line with Plus Dane's commitment to making their homes more energy efficient and reducing their carbon footprint.

The initiative will involve an awareness campaign, including letters, leaflets, and door-to-door visits to engage with customers. Property surveys will be conducted to identify homes that require improvements, and a range of measures will be offered, including loft insulation, solar panels, underfloor insulation, smart controls, cavity wall insulation, and low-energy lights.

Councillor David Baines, Liverpool City Region Combined Authority Portfolio Holder for Net Zero and Clean Air, emphasized the importance of reducing energy use in the region and the need for collaboration between local authorities and housing associations to achieve this goal. He also highlighted the potential for job creation through energy efficiency initiatives.

The announcement is a positive step towards helping customers reduce their energy costs, particularly in areas of high deprivation. Plus Dane has already identified homes in specific streets for energy assessments and improvement works, which will be completed by their contracting partner Next Energy.

Next Energy Director, Lee McNally, expressed his enthusiasm for the partnership and the opportunity to deliver energy efficiency improvements that will benefit both properties and residents. The commitment to decarbonization aligns with the government's target of achieving zero carbon by 2050.

Overall, the partnership between Plus Dane Housing, Mayor Steve Rotheram, and the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority represents a significant investment in improving the energy efficiency of homes in the region, with the potential to make a positive impact on the lives of residents.

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