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Reece James injured in Everton vs Chelsea match

Chelsea's Reece James suffers another injury setback, possibly to his hamstring, jeopardizing his chances for Euro 2024 and England squad competition.

Reece James has had a tough season dealing with injuries and suspensions. Unfortunately, during Chelsea's game against Everton, he suffered another injury, which could potentially be to his hamstring. This setback could affect his chances of making it to Euro 2024 and adds to the competition for the right-back position in the England squad.

During the match against Everton, Reece James had to come off injured after just 27 minutes. This season has been challenging for him, as he has already missed several games due to a previous hamstring issue and a suspension. His absence in the first eight league games was due to the hamstring problem, and he was also suspended for a game after receiving two yellow cards.

Before the match against Everton, James had only featured in seven Premier League matches this season. Despite this, he was given the start against Everton, but unfortunately, his time on the pitch was cut short.

Early reports suggest that the injury could be related to his hamstring, and given his past fitness issues, it is understandable that Chelsea would want to be cautious. However, this injury is disappointing for the club, their supporters, and James himself, as it means he was unable to complete another game.

The competition for the right-back position in the England squad is also intense, and with this latest setback, Reece James may risk losing his place in the squad for Euro 2024 if he is unable to stay fit. It is uncertain how long this injury will keep him out for, but it is a situation that will be closely monitored.

As more information becomes available, we will provide updates on Reece James' condition.

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