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Glen Powell Almost Died Filming Nude Scene Sydney Sweeney

Glen Powell and Sydney Sweeney talk about their close bond while filming their new rom-com "Anyone But You" together.

During the premiere of the film "Anyone But You" in New York City on December 11, actor Glen Powell shared the dangerous experience he had while filming a scene where he had to quickly remove his clothes on the edge of a cliff. Powell revealed that he almost fell off the cliff while taking his pants off too fast, highlighting the safety risks involved in such a scene. Despite the perilous situation, Powell expressed that the scene was worth it, emphasizing the fun and enjoyment he experienced.

In the scene, Powell's character frantically takes off his clothes while his co-star, Sydney Sweeney, is removing a spider from his shorts. Powell acknowledged that he knew he wouldn't look "cool" in the scene but decided to embrace the absurdity and commit to it wholeheartedly. Sweeney also shared her personal hardships while filming, including being bitten by a spider and having to check for more spiders on Powell's character.

The film "Anyone But You" features Powell and Sweeney as two exes who pretend to be a perfect couple for a destination wedding in Australia. While their on-screen chemistry has sparked dating rumors, both actors have denied any romantic involvement. Powell emphasized the respect and admiration he has for Sweeney, describing her as "incredible," while Sweeney highlighted the fun and mutual respect they share.

Despite denying a romantic relationship, Powell acknowledged the strong chemistry he shares with Sweeney, emphasizing the ease with which they connect on and off-screen. Both actors expressed their enjoyment of working together and the fun they have while filming the romantic comedy.

Overall, the actors' candid and lighthearted approach to addressing the filming experience and their relationship has added another layer of excitement and anticipation for the release of "Anyone But You." Their genuine camaraderie and dedication to their roles promise an entertaining and engaging on-screen dynamic that audiences can look forward to.

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