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Taylor Swift birthday Pennsylvania pet rescue giving challenge

Animal rescue organization challenges Taylor Swift fans to donate $13 to local shelters on her birthday with #TaylorSwiftChallenge.

The Pennsylvania SPCA has launched a special initiative in honor of Taylor Swift's 34th birthday, inviting fans to participate in the #TaylorSwiftChallenge by making a $13 donation to local animal shelters on December 13th, which is Swift's lucky number. This initiative was inspired by Swift's recent appearance on the cover of TIME magazine, where she was honored as the 2023 Person of the Year and featured with her rescue cat, Benjamin Button. The Pennsylvania SPCA saw this as an opportunity to honor Swift, who has roots in Pennsylvania, and to raise much-needed funds and awareness for animal shelters across the country. The organization hopes that the challenge will help bring attention to the growing number of animals in need of loving homes, especially during the holiday season. With Swift being an avid animal lover and advocate for adoption, the #TaylorSwiftChallenge is a fitting way to celebrate her birthday and make a positive impact on the lives of animals in need. For more information on how to participate in the challenge, visit

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