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Chelsea ease past Sheffield United after slow start

Cole Palmer shines for Chelsea, scoring and assisting in a win against Blades. Pochettino's team shows inconsistency despite the victory.

Cole Palmer made a significant impact for Mauricio Pochettino's team, scoring the opening goal and providing an assist for Nicolas Jackson in their win against Chelsea. The first half of the match was uneventful, with Chelsea struggling to create opportunities. However, Palmer's performance in the second half showcased his ability to be a match-winner for his team.

Despite Chelsea's dominance early in the game, they failed to pose a threat to their opponents. Palmer's goal, scored early in the second half, provided a much-needed breakthrough for his team. His assist for Jackson's goal further solidified his status as a key player for his team.

While Chelsea struggled to find their rhythm, Palmer's performance stood out as he continued to create opportunities and push for a win. His impact on the game was evident, and his contributions were crucial in securing the victory for his team.

Overall, Palmer's performance highlighted his potential as a game-changer and showcased his ability to make a difference on the field. His role in Mauricio Pochettino's team was instrumental in securing the win against Chelsea, and his performance was a testament to his talent and skill as a player.

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