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Sydney Sweeney Gonzaga Basketball Players DMs: Is She Lying?

Sydney Sweeney may have lied about how she got a basketball signed by Gonzaga's team. #GonzagaGate is in full swing!

Actress Sydney Sweeney appeared on the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon and shared a story about receiving a basketball signed by the Gonzaga college basketball team. However, it seems that there may be more to the story than meets the eye.

Sweeney, who hails from Spokane, gifted Fallon with the basketball during her appearance on the show. She claimed that multiple players on the team had reached out to her, leading to the acquisition of the signed ball. However, it appears that there may be some discrepancies in her story.

After the story gained attention, Rick Clark, a prominent figure in the Spokane community, shared a different version of events. According to Clark, his friend John Coy Jr., who is a contractor working on Sweeney's mother's house, was the one responsible for obtaining the signed basketball. Ben Gregg, a player on the team, also played a role in making it happen.

Clark's account, along with accompanying photos, seems to contradict Sweeney's version of events. It appears that the basketball was obtained through connections to Sweeney's mother's house and the Gonzaga basketball program, rather than through direct contact with the players.

While it's possible that both stories have elements of truth, it seems that Sweeney's account of how she obtained the basketball may not be entirely accurate. The hashtag #GonzagaGate has emerged as a result of the conflicting narratives.

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