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Instagram Model Accuses Anthony Edwards of Pushing Abortion - Get an Abortion LOL

NBA star Anthony Edwards accused of pressuring Instagram model to have an abortion, allegedly sending money and asking for video proof.

Minnesota Timberwolves player Anthony Edwards has been accused by an Instagram model of pressuring her to have an abortion despite her expressing her desire to keep the baby.

Paige Jordae, an Instagram influencer with a substantial following, shared screenshots of her alleged text conversations with Edwards on her Instagram story. As of Monday morning, the posts were still visible on her account.

According to the screenshots, Edwards reportedly urged Jordae to get an abortion after she informed him of her pregnancy. He allegedly said, "Get an abortion. You can't bring a kid into the world. I don't want a kid. I'll send you money to help you out. Let's handle this like grown-ups."

Subsequently, Edwards allegedly continued to pressure Jordae to take abortion pills, even asking her to send him a video of her taking the medication. Jordae also posted an alleged receipt of a $100,000 payment from Edwards' lawyer.

In response to the situation, Jordae took to Instagram to express her frustration, stating that she had attempted to handle the matter privately but felt ignored and manipulated by Edwards.

These allegations have surfaced following the announcement of Edwards' girlfriend, Jeanine Robel, being pregnant.

Despite the controversy, Edwards, a key player for the Minnesota Timberwolves, has yet to address the accusations made by Jordae. His performance on the court this season has been instrumental in the team's success, with impressive statistics to his name.

As of now, the situation remains unresolved, and it is unclear how it will impact Edwards' personal and professional life moving forward.

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