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Kylie Kelce reveals daughter Wyatt's adorable way of spotting dad Jason Kelce's jersey

Kylie Kelce shares how her daughter Wyatt spots dad Jason Kelce's jersey, revealing a heartwarming way their family bonds over football.

Kylie Kelce, the wife of NFL player Jason Kelce, recently revealed an adorable way that their daughter Wyatt spots her dad's jersey during games. In an exclusive interview with PEOPLE, Kylie shared that even though Wyatt may not fully understand the sport, she loves to cheer on her dad and uncle during games.

Kylie explained that Wyatt enjoys watching the games and looks for moments when her dad or uncle have their helmets off, making it easier for her to recognize them on the field. Wyatt has even been able to recognize Jason's jersey number, calling it "sixty, number two," instead of 62. Kylie also mentioned that their other daughters, Bennett and Elliotte, are also beginning to pick up on the nuances of the game and are becoming more interested in football as well.

In addition to their daughters' growing interest in football, Kylie and Jason are also committed to teaching their girls the importance of gratitude and giving back. Kylie emphasized the value of kindness and generosity, expressing the importance of using their position of privilege to help others in need. She also mentioned that they strive to instill these values in their daughters, even if not all of their charitable efforts are publicized.

Overall, Kylie's interview with PEOPLE provided a heartwarming insight into the Kelce family's life and values, showcasing their commitment to family, football, and giving back to their community.

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