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The Onion skewers Green Bay Packers, defensive coordinator Joe Barry after defensive effort vs Tampa Bay

The James Webb Space Telescope captures stunning images from deep space, while The Onion pokes fun at the Packers' defensive struggles.

The James Webb Space Telescope has been in space for two years now, and it has already captured some incredible images from deep space. In comparison, the "all-22" film of Sunday's Green Bay Packers game offers a less aesthetically pleasing view.

The popular satirical publication The Onion took a jab at the Packers' defensive struggles on Monday with a headline that humorously suggested the James Webb Telescope had found evidence of the Packers secondary lined up 20 million light years off receivers. This was in reference to the way the Packers defense allowed Tampa Bay Buccaneers quarterback Baker Mayfield to produce a perfect passer rating in a 34-20 win over the Packers at Lambeau Field.

Defensive coordinator Joe Barry has faced criticism from Packers fans for the team's performance, but Packers coach Matt LaFleur stated that no changes were imminent on the coaching staff. The Onion's joke didn't have an article attached to the image, but it humorously suggested that rookie Carrington Valentine has made history as the first Packers cornerback in space.

The Onion, which has its roots in Madison dating back to the late 1980s, has a history of poking fun at Wisconsin news and sports stories. In 2021, The Onion produced a headline that humorously suggested an "unhinged" Aaron Rodgers was demanding the Packers fire the team custodian. This is not the first or last time The Onion has made jokes at the expense of Rodgers or the Packers.

In conclusion, the James Webb Space Telescope continues to awe us with its deep space images, while The Onion provides some lighthearted humor at the expense of the Packers and their recent defensive struggles. It's all part of the fun and entertainment that comes with following sports and space exploration.

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