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Alec Baldwin escorted NYPD clash pro-Palestinian demonstration heated

Alec Baldwin's heated argument at a pro-Palestinian rally led to police intervention and an altercation with a protester.

Alec Baldwin found himself in a heated confrontation at a pro-Palestinian rally in New York City, leading to police intervention. The "It's Complicated" actor, who was on his way to teach an acting class, was unexpectedly caught up in the demonstration. Video footage shows Baldwin becoming increasingly angry with a protester who repeatedly asked if he condemned Israel. The actor responded with frustration, pushing his way through the crowd as the protester continued to pursue and film him.

New York police officers intervened to separate Baldwin from the group of protesters and prevent further escalation. No arrests were made, and no injuries were reported. In the aftermath of this incident, Baldwin shared a video of Dame Judi Dench performing a dramatic recitation of William Shakespeare's Sonnet 29 on Instagram.

This altercation comes amidst ongoing legal battles and controversy for Baldwin following the tragic death of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins on the set of "Rust" in 2021. The poem shared by Baldwin, characterized as exploring emotions of envy and alienation, serves as a poignant reflection of the actor's recent experiences.

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