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Julie Andrews, Dick Van Dyke, Mary Poppins, rehearsals, bond instantly

Dick Van Dyke made quite the impression on Julie Andrews. Read on to learn about the lasting bond they formed.

Dick Van Dyke made a lasting impression on Julie Andrews, as she fondly recalled their time together during the making of Mary Poppins. The 1964 musical was a pivotal film for Andrews, who won a Best Actress Oscar for her role as the titular character, while Van Dyke had two memorable roles in the film - Bert, a chimney sweep, and Mr. Dawes Sr. Andrews remembered Van Dyke as "young, fit as can be, and really gorgeous to look at" when they first met during rehearsals, but she found the experience of working with him "daunting" as she had never made a movie before. However, she quickly realized that Van Dyke was "kinder, more genuinely sweet and helpful" than she had anticipated, and they bonded instantly. Andrews fondly remembered laughing and collapsing with giggles as they learned the dance to "Jolly Holiday" and many other delightful moments on set. She described Van Dyke as having a "completely original style" that makes him "totally unique," and expressed how lucky she felt to have him by her side for her first venture in Hollywood. Meanwhile, Van Dyke was surprised by the CBS special that celebrated his distinguished career, as he had been told it was a regular press interview. Reflecting on the experience, he expressed disbelief at the recognition he received, stating that he didn't realize he had done so many things in his 75 years in show business. Overall, both Andrews and Van Dyke shared a deep appreciation for their time working together and the impact they had on each other's lives.

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