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Brighton v Tottenham: Premier League live stream and updates

Fans from around the world share their predictions and excitement for the Brighton v Tottenham match, adding an international twist to the game.

Sian is watching the Brighton v Tottenham game from the beach in Barbados and shares that her boyfriend, a Brighton supporter, predicts a 7-0 victory for his team. She, on the other hand, is an Arsenal fan and is eagerly waiting to watch them play against West Ham later. They plan to follow along with the live blog.

Alejandro Polo, a Peruvian living in Kentucky, emails in to express his excitement for the game and hopes that Spurs continue their current run of good form.

Mark Lewis writes in from San Francisco, where the weather is drizzling and gray, much like London. He anticipates that the match will be similar to the weather conditions.

Justin Madson sends his greetings from America and comments on the injury crisis affecting many teams in the league. He mentions that it seems like every team has a few players unable to play and jokes about FIFA finding more games to stuff into the calendar.

JD writes in from Sydney and expresses his admiration for Ange's way of playing and how he supports his players.

Yinon, an Israeli Spurs fan and an FC Cologne season ticket holder, shares his excitement about the direction the club is heading in under Ange's leadership. He believes that with the return of key players from international duties and potential new signings in January, the club might be primed for a push at the business end of the season.

Gerry from Queens, NYC, sends his regards to Luke and shares that his wife studied at the University of Sussex, so she is hoping for a Brighton win to get them back on track. However, Gerry needs Richarlison to score multiple times for his fantasy match-up this week, so he hopes for a 4-3 Brighton win with a Richarlison hat-trick for Spurs.

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