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Browns Inactives: Amari Cooper OUT, Juan Thornhill active vs. Jets

The Cleveland Browns will be missing Amari Cooper but getting back Juan Thornhill in a crucial playoff-clinching game against the Jets.

The Cleveland Browns are facing a critical game against the New York Jets with a playoff spot on the line. They will have one questionable starter, safety Juan Thornhill, on the field, but will be missing wide receiver Amari Cooper, a significant contributor. This absence will be keenly felt as the Browns take on the New York secondary, led by Sauce Gardner.

Quarterback Joe Flacco, coming off a record-breaking performance against the Texans, will rely on Elijah Moore and Cedric Tillman in the absence of Cooper. Thornhill, returning from a calf injury that has plagued him all season, will be joined by Ronnie Hickman Jr., D'Anthony Bell, and veteran Duron Harmon in the Cleveland secondary.

The list of inactives for the game includes injured starters such as Amari Cooper, Ogbo Okoronkwo, Anthony Walker Jr., Dustin Hopkins, and Corey Bojorquez. This underscores the challenges the Browns will face in their quest for a playoff spot.

The potential playoff clinching scenarios for the Browns add an extra layer of drama to the game. The team's performance against the Jets will be crucial in determining their playoff fate. As the Browns look to secure their playoff spot, the pressure is on to deliver a strong performance in front of their home crowd.

In the midst of this high-stakes game, the Browns will need to rely on their depth and resilience to overcome the absence of key players. The outcome of this game will not only impact the Browns' playoff aspirations but will also shape the trajectory of the entire season. With so much at stake, the Browns must rise to the occasion and deliver a performance that reflects their determination and grit.

As the Browns navigate the challenges and uncertainties of the game, they will need to draw on their collective strength and resolve. The outcome of this game will be a testament to the Browns' ability to overcome adversity and rise to the occasion. With their playoff hopes hanging in the balance, the Browns must summon their best effort and leave everything on the field.

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