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Frank Thomas criticizes Fox News for mistakenly reporting his death

Former Phillies outfielder Frank Thomas was mistakenly included in an 'In Memoriam' sequence by Fox News, sparking controversy and correction.

Former Phillies outfielder Frank Thomas, who passed away in January at the age of 93, was erroneously included in an 'In Memoriam' segment by Fox News. Thomas, who spent part of the 1964 and 1965 seasons with the Phillies and was known for his infamous altercation with Dick Allen, was a three-time All-Star during his eight seasons with the Pirates and held several early franchise records with the original expansion Mets.

However, Fox News mistakenly included White Sox legend Frank Thomas, a first-ballot Hall of Famer who played for the team from 1990-2005, in their tribute segment. The error was brought to light by the former Phillies outfielder himself, who took to social media to express his disappointment and criticize the network for their oversight. Thomas, who had previously worked for Fox Sports before joining Apple TV as a broadcaster, expressed his surprise and frustration at the mistake.

Following the public outcry, The Faulkner Focus later issued a correction on air, acknowledging their mistake and apologizing for the mix-up. Host Julie Banderas clarified that the late Frank Thomas they had intended to honor was the three-time All-Star for the Pittsburgh Pirates, and that the former pro baseball player they mistakenly included in the segment was indeed alive.

The late Frank Thomas, who had a 16-year career from 1951-1966, left behind an impressive legacy, with a batting average of .266, 286 home runs, 962 RBIs, and 792 runs scored over 1,766 games. His last public appearance was at Mets Old Timer's Day in August 2022, where he was honored for his contributions to the sport.

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