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Paula Abdul meltdown Celebrity Wheel of Fortune puzzle solution

Paula Abdul frustrated on Celebrity Wheel of Fortune, struggling to solve a puzzle. Fans entertained by her interaction with host Pat Sajak.

Paula Abdul, the former American Idol judge, made an appearance on Celebrity Wheel of Fortune and things did not go as smoothly as she had hoped. The iconic singer, dancer, and choreographer found herself struggling to solve a puzzle and expressed her frustration during her turn at the wheel.

In the "Before and After" category, Paula had difficulty coming up with the last word in the puzzle. She complained to host Pat Sajak, expressing her frustration. When Pat questioned why she would try to solve the puzzle if she didn't know the last word, Paula replied with a lighthearted, "I'd rather spin!" as she showed off her flexibility with a leg kick before spinning the wheel.

As she narrowly escaped hitting "Bankrupt," Paula chose the letter "N" to help her solve the puzzle, which revealed the letters "THE / GOO_ / THE / _A_ / AN_ / THE / _G_ _ / S_EATE_." Frustrated but still having fun, Paula attempted to solve the puzzle but couldn't figure out the last word, leading to her screaming in frustration.

Despite her struggles, Paula's segment entertained viewers of Celebrity Wheel of Fortune, with many fans commenting on the clip from ABC's YouTube page. Some praised Pat Sajak's comedic timing, while others found Paula's interaction with him humorous.

Paula's appearance on the show was not just for entertainment - she played to benefit the charity Wigs and Wishes, which provides wigs to women and children battling cancer and experiencing hair loss. Before the episode aired, Paula expressed her excitement and readiness to have some fun, despite never having done anything like it before.

In the end, Paula's Holiday Edition appearance on Celebrity Wheel of Fortune was both entertaining and for a good cause, showcasing her fun-loving spirit and her willingness to support a meaningful charity.

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