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Travel disruption expected on New Year's Eve due to wind across parts of the UK

Eurostar services resume after "unprecedented" flooding, but yellow weather warnings in place in parts of UK for New Year's Eve.

The Eurostar is set to resume operations today after overcoming "unprecedented" flooding on December 30. However, some parts of the UK are facing yellow weather warnings for wind, which could lead to further travel disruptions for New Year's Eve plans.

The Met Office has issued warnings for gales or severe gales in conjunction with heavy showers, covering much of the south and southwest of Wales, the south of England, and the South West. The warning is in effect from 10am to 12am today, with the potential for delays in road, rail, air, and ferry transport.

If your area has been issued a yellow weather warning for wind, you can expect temperatures closer to normal, with scattered, blustery showers and strong winds, particularly along the coasts. In London, winds are expected to strengthen, but it is anticipated to stay dry at around 8°C. Showers are possible across much of the country throughout the evening.

In Scotland, Edinburgh is forecasted to be cloudy but dry for Hogmanay celebrations, with primarily dry conditions and lighter winds in the Borders and central belt regions. Dumfries and Galloway, however, may experience showers.

In summary, the Eurostar is back in operation, but yellow weather warnings for wind could cause further travel disruptions for New Year's Eve plans, particularly in the south and southwest of Wales, the south of England, and the South West. It is advised to stay informed about the weather conditions in your area and to anticipate potential delays in transportation.

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