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Buffalo vs Miami: Dolfans vs Bills Mafia in Miami's Biggest Home Game in 30 Years

Miami Dolphins are counting on their stadium and fans to lift them in a winner-take-all season finale for the AFC East championship.

The Miami Dolphins are counting on their stadium and fans to help them win the AFC East championship against the Buffalo Bills. They have a 7-1 home record, which is the third best in the NFL. The Dolphins have been performing better at home than on the road, and they hope that their home advantage will help them secure the win. However, they are facing a challenge from the Bills Mafia, who are expected to make up at least half of the crowd at the game. The Bills are favored by 3 points in the game, and the Bills Backers local fan club has organized several events leading up to the game. This has led to concerns that the Bills fans will take over the stadium and steal Miami's home-field advantage. The Dolphins have had a rollercoaster season, and they need to prove themselves in this game. The winner of the game will not only secure the division crown but also the AFC's No. 2 playoff seed. The loser will face a more perilous path in the playoffs. The Dolphins are dealing with several key injuries, and they need to rally and show that they can overcome these challenges. This game is being touted as the Dolphins' biggest home game since 1993, and they need to rise up and show that they are capable of making it to the Super Bowl. This is their chance to prove themselves and show that they are not the underdogs.

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