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EaseMyTrip suspends Maldives flight bookings amid India-Maldives row

EaseMyTrip CEO suspends all Maldives flight bookings after derogatory remarks against India and PM Modi, promoting Lakshadweep as an alternative destination.

The CEO of EaseMyTrip, Nishant Pitti, made an announcement that all flight bookings to the Maldives will be suspended due to derogatory remarks made by Maldives ministers against India and Prime Minister Narendra Modi. In a show of support for India, Pitti took to social media to declare the suspension and promote the pristine destination of Lakshadweep as an alternative to the Maldives.

The controversy led to the trending hashtag #BoycottMaldives on social media as Indian tourists began canceling their planned vacations to the island nation. The Indian Association of Tour Operators predicted that the boycott would become evident within the next 20-25 days, and many tourists have already claimed to have canceled their trips.

The disparaging remarks made by Maldivian politicians have caused concern among tour operators, who fear a decline in Indian tourists visiting the Maldives. The country has been a popular destination for Indian tourists, with the highest number of visitors coming from India until December 2023.

In response to the controversy, three Maldivian ministers were suspended over their derogatory remarks against PM Modi, and the Maldives government took action to address the situation. Meanwhile, Indian celebrities have launched a "visit Lakshadweep" campaign to promote the Indian islands as an alternative to the Maldives.

The suspension of flight bookings to the Maldives and the subsequent backlash from Indian tourists and tour operators reflect the impact of the derogatory remarks made by Maldivian politicians. The situation has sparked a debate about the consequences of political statements on tourism and international relations.

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