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Pittsburgh Steelers get positive news on T.J. Watt knee injury: Reports

Steelers' TJ Watt suffers Grade 3 MCL sprain, may miss Wild Card weekend. Watt wanted to return, but Steelers ruled him out.

Both Ian Rapoport of NFL Network and Adam Schefter of ESPN have reported that TJ Watt suffered a Grade 3 MCL sprain in Week 18. This injury is serious enough that he may not be able to play on Wild Card weekend if the Steelers make it to the playoffs. However, based on the replay of the injury and Watt's reaction, it's a positive sign that he avoided a more serious knee injury.

Rapoport tweeted that initial tests indicate Watt has suffered a Grade 3 MCL sprain, which is a multi-week injury. This is better than an ACL tear, but it's still not good news for the Steelers if they make the playoffs. The injury occurred when Montravius Adams ran into Watt's planted left leg, causing his knee to bend in the wrong direction. The 33rd Team's Ari Meirov shared a replay of the injury, confirming that Watt would not return to the game.

Schefter reported that Watt wanted to go back into the game, but the Steelers wouldn't allow it. Despite showing some signs of mobility on the sidelines, the team quickly ruled him out for the remainder of the game. With Watt visibly upset and pounding his fist on the ground after the injury, it was clear that the linebacker's injury was serious.

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