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Emma Stone's Obsession with Naked Attraction: Revealed!

Emma Stone is a big fan of the British dating show 'Naked Attraction'. She revealed her obsession with the show in an interview.

Emma Stone is a huge fan of the British dating show 'Naked Attraction'. The 35-year-old actress admitted during an interview with Mark Ruffalo for LADbible that she loves watching the Channel 4 series, in which contestants choose dates by looking at aspiring suitors' naked bodies.

The show has gained a lot of attention for its unique concept and has been a major hit with viewers. Stone's confession about her obsession with the show has sparked a lot of interest and discussion among fans.

It's not every day that a Hollywood star opens up about their love for a controversial dating show, but Stone's candid admission has shown that even celebrities can enjoy a saucy reality TV series.

Her love for 'Naked Attraction' has certainly caught the attention of many, and it's clear that the show has a wide appeal, even reaching the likes of A-list celebrities like Emma Stone.

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