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Rick Barnes compares Tennessee basketball Dalton Knecht to Kevin Durant: Here's Why

Tennessee basketball player Dalton Knecht has been compared to NBA star Kevin Durant by his coach Rick Barnes.

Tennessee basketball star Dalton Knecht has been compared to his favorite player, Kevin Durant, by his coach, Rick Barnes. Barnes, who coached Durant at Texas, sees similarities between the two players, particularly in their ability to excel in road games. Knecht has been averaging an impressive 31.3 points per game in four road games this season, with standout performances against Mississippi State and Georgia. Barnes attributes Knecht's success to his mindset, which allows him to thrive in big moments and make the big plays. Knecht has expressed his admiration for Durant and was thrilled to hear the comparison from his coach. This comparison holds special significance for Knecht, as Durant was his favorite player growing up and one of the reasons he chose to transfer to Tennessee. The recognition from Barnes has been a meaningful validation for Knecht, who looks to continue his impressive performances throughout the season.

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