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Ron DeSantis: America not racist, but has faced challenges

Ron DeSantis agrees with Nikki Haley that the US wasn't built on racism, but acknowledges challenges to a colorblind society.

During a cable news town hall event, the Governor, Ron DeSantis, responded to a statement made by Nikki Haley regarding the United States and racism. DeSantis essentially agreed with Haley's assertion that the US was not built on racism, but he also acknowledged the challenges the country has faced in working towards a colorblind society.

When asked to address his opponent's claim that America has "never been a racist country," DeSantis offered a more nuanced perspective. He highlighted the challenges the country has faced in how race has been viewed, citing the Dred Scott case as an example. DeSantis emphasized that the principles outlined in the Declaration of Independence were universal, but the Dred Scott case, which denied Dred Scott, an enslaved Black man, American citizenship based on his race, was a clear example of discrimination. He also noted that the 14th Amendment was ratified to overturn the Dred Scott decision, highlighting the ongoing struggle the country has faced in addressing racial issues.

DeSantis also criticized the Supreme Court's decision in the Dred Scott case, calling it the worst ruling in SCOTUS history. He pointed out that the decision, which was made by Chief Justice Roger Taney, overturned the Missouri Compromise and allowed slavery in the territories, further perpetuating racial injustice.

Despite these challenges, DeSantis maintained that the United States is not a racist country and that the Founding Fathers established universal principles that have served as an engine for progress. He emphasized that while these principles may not have been universally applied at the time, they have continued to guide the country's development and progress.

In his response, DeSantis acknowledged the complexities and challenges the country has faced in addressing racial issues, while also affirming his belief in the universal principles established by the Founding Fathers. He emphasized the progress that has been made and expressed optimism for the future, highlighting the ongoing journey towards a more equitable and inclusive society.

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