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Samsung guaranteed 7 years Android updates Galaxy S24 exciting sounds

Google and Samsung promise 7 years of Android updates for their phones, but it might not be realistic. Hardware limitations apply.

As a long-time iPhone user, I've always appreciated the fact that my aging device continues to receive years of iOS updates, bringing the latest innovations from Apple. However, until recently, this hasn't been the case for Android devices, with only Google's Pixels receiving the latest Android versions as soon as they were released, and even then, only guaranteed two years of updates.

Last year, Google and Samsung changed the game by promising 7 years of Android updates for their Pixel and Galaxy S24 devices. While this sounds great in theory, there are several issues to consider. For starters, Apple routinely delivers around 5 years of updates for its iPhones, stopping support for older devices after 5-6 years. This means that even though Apple doesn't promise 7 years of updates, its devices still receive a similar amount of support.

The main concern with the 7-year update promise is the hardware. While the latest Snapdragon processors in the Galaxy S24 are far more sophisticated than their predecessors, there's a limit to how much hardware can improve year over year. This means that in 5-7 years, the Galaxy S24 might not be able to run most of the standard Android features that new phone owners would get.

Additionally, Samsung's reliance on Google for software updates means that its Android updates are always delayed, with the newest flagships getting them first. This means that a 5-year-old Galaxy S24 model will have to wait longer for its Android updates compared to newer models.

Battery life is another concern, with batteries aging over time and likely needing to be replaced at least once during the 7-year update period. Other internal components, such as speakers, ports, and buttons, might also need repairs, adding to the cost of maintaining an aging device.

While the 7-year update promise is a great initiative that can help advance environmental agendas by reducing the need for new smartphones every year, it may be too difficult to offer that much support even for Apple. However, with the dawn of AI and potential changes in the way we use smartphones, such as the reliance on cloud processing for AI features, the importance of software updates may decrease.

In conclusion, while the 7-year update promise sounds promising, the long-term implications for hardware and software updates remain to be seen. It will be interesting to revisit this topic in 3 or 4 years to see how well these promises hold up in practice.

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