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Sharon Stone: The Multitalented Artist

Sharon Stone, actress and activist, has found a new passion in painting. Her works are now selling for tens of thousands of dollars.

Sharon Stone, the famous actress, has recently become a successful artist. Her art has been showcased at galleries in Los Angeles and Greenwich and has been well-received by both critics and collectors. Stone's art is now selling for tens of thousands of dollars, and she has embraced her new career as a painter.

While Stone is known for her acting career, she has always been passionate about art. She started painting as a young girl and continued to make art to support herself while attending college. Despite her success as an actress, Stone has always seen herself as an artist, not just an actress or a writer.

In 2020, during the pandemic, Stone rediscovered her love for painting when a friend gave her a paint-by-numbers kit. This experience reignited her passion for art, and she has been painting ever since. Stone's art is deeply personal, and she believes in letting the canvas evolve and tell her what it wants to be.

Stone's art will soon be showcased in an international show in Berlin, highlighting her success as a painter. While she is not done with acting, Stone has fully embraced her new career as an artist and is excited to share her work with the world. She paints because she loves it and feels fully immersed in the creative process.

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