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Sarah J. Maas plans next books, including 4th in Crescent City series

"ACOTAR" author Sarah J. Maas announces new book, "House of Flame and Shadow," plus more to come in her popular series.

Sarah J. Maas fans, get ready for some exciting news! The author of the popular "A Court of Thorns and Roses" series has just released her newest novel, "House of Flame and Shadow," which is the third book in her "Crescent City" series. But that's not all - Maas has also signed a new four-book deal with her publishers at Bloomsbury, on top of the three books she already had under contract.

In a recent interview, Maas revealed that she has already planned out her next four books and is eager to bring her readers on new adventures. The next book she plans to publish after "House of Flame and Shadow" will be set in the "A Court of Thorns and Roses" universe, and she is very excited about it. While she has the ideas and general thoughts for the following book in that series, she is looking forward to the emotional journeys with the characters as she dives into the writing process.

As for the "Crescent City" series, Maas confirmed that a fourth book is in the works, although it is further down the line in her upcoming projects. She has also hinted at another book that she is very enthusiastic about, but she is keeping the details under wraps for now.

Maas has left readers speculating about the next "ACOTAR" book and has not revealed when it will be released or what it will be titled. Given that she just published "House of Flame and Shadow," it is likely that fans will have to wait a year or two. However, fans of the "Throne of Glass" series will be delighted to hear that Maas has hinted at the possibility of continuing those stories as well.

In her writing, Maas often explores the concept of fate and free will, particularly in the context of romantic relationships. She has hinted at further exploring these themes in her future books, leaving readers eager to see where she takes these concepts next.

Maas has also teased the idea of a crossover between her different book series, leaving fans wondering if "Throne of Glass" could be involved in the mix as well. She has expressed her love for the idea of being able to play in all three worlds, hinting at the possibility of the gates between worlds opening again.

Overall, Sarah J. Maas has big plans for her upcoming books, and fans can expect to be taken on thrilling new adventures as she continues to expand her beloved universes.

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