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Poet promotes verses over violence - Chronicle Media

Chicago Poet Laureate avery r. young uses poetry to fight violence and empower youth, aiming to change lives through words.

Chicago's poet laureate, avery r. young, is a multifaceted artist who understands the profound impact of words. He recognizes the power of poetry to change lives, but also acknowledges its limitations in the face of violence. Young has experienced the devastating effects of senseless violence firsthand, teaching babies one day and attending their funerals the next. He understands the urgency of addressing the root causes of violence and believes that resources must be in place to shift the energy and deter violent acts.

As poet laureate, young is committed to encouraging young people to channel their emotions through words rather than weapons. He believes that everyone has poems inside them and can be guided to express themselves creatively rather than resorting to violence. He sees himself as a potential peacemaker, using poetry to navigate through the raw emotions and experiences of life. His role as an artist is to tell the unfiltered truth and stir things up, challenging the status quo and advocating for change.

Having grown up in a neighborhood where violence was prevalent, young has witnessed the devastating impact of gun violence on his community. He has lost friends to violence and mental illness, and he carries their memory with him as he fulfills his role as Chicago's poet laureate. Reflecting on his own journey, young credits the harsh winters of Chicago with keeping him on the right path, deterring him from potentially destructive choices.

As an artist, young refuses to be confined to a single medium. He embraces a diverse range of creative outlets, including writing, visual arts, singing, and acting. His journey is one of self-discovery and self-expression, defying the limitations imposed by society and following his creative instincts. In his role as poet laureate, young is dedicated to commissioning new poems, creating public programming, and serving as an ambassador for Chicago's literary and creative communities.

Overall, avery r. young is a passionate advocate for using art and poetry as a means of addressing the complex issues facing his community. He believes in the transformative power of creativity and is committed to inspiring others to express themselves through words rather than violence. His journey as an artist and educator is driven by a deep sense of purpose and a desire to effect positive change in the world.

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