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Wyndham Clark sets course record with 60 at Pebble Beach: Golf roundup

Wyndham Clark sets course record at Pebble Beach Pro-Am with 12-under 60, holds one-stroke lead, but weather could disrupt final round.

Wyndham Clark had a remarkable round at Pebble Beach, breaking the course record with a 12-under 60 during the third round of the Pebble Beach Pro-Am. This exceptional performance gave him a one-stroke lead and positioned him as a strong contender for the title and a $3.6 million prize.

Clark's round was exceptional, with five putts from 25 feet or longer and several birdies and eagles. His performance was so outstanding that he finished nine shots better than the field average. Despite challenging weather conditions and the possibility of a shortened tournament, Clark remained focused and determined throughout his round.

The heavy rain and strong winds that began to fall over the final few holes raised concerns about the completion of the tournament. Officials are closely monitoring the weather and will make a decision about the final round based on the conditions. Clark's exceptional performance on the course has positioned him as a frontrunner, and he remains focused on his game regardless of the potential changes to the tournament schedule.

Clark's impressive round was marked by exceptional putting and a strong mental game. He remained focused on each shot and demonstrated a remarkable ability to adapt to challenging conditions. His performance throughout the round was exceptional, and he is now waiting to see if he will have to play the final round. Despite the uncertainty, Clark remains confident and focused on his goal.

In addition to Clark's outstanding performance, other players also made strong showings during the tournament. The competition remains fierce, with several players vying for the top position. Regardless of the outcome, the third round of the Pebble Beach Pro-Am has been marked by exceptional skill and determination from all the players.

As the tournament progresses, the players are faced with the challenge of adapting to changing weather conditions and the potential for a shortened tournament. Despite these challenges, the players remain focused and determined to give their best performance on the course. The third round of the Pebble Beach Pro-Am has been marked by exceptional skill, determination, and adaptability from all the players, making it an exciting and memorable event for golf enthusiasts.

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