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OKC Thunder Josh Giddey reflects different year win Raptors Yahoo Sports

Josh Giddey's struggles have been well-documented, but he's confident that he's turning a corner after an impressive performance.

Josh Giddey is acutely aware of the criticisms surrounding his performance this season. He knows that many have pointed out his decision-making errors, the challenges posed by opposing defenses, and the lack of impact he has been able to make as a rookie. There have been times when he has been absent from games during crucial moments, and some have even suggested that he should be traded.

Giddey has not ignored these criticisms. He has acknowledged them by responding to negative tweets and addressing critical questions. After the Thunder's double-overtime win, he made it clear that he has been paying attention to the feedback and is working to improve his game.

Reflecting on his experience, Giddey mentioned that it has been a challenging year for him, especially with the ongoing investigation by the NBA into an alleged inappropriate relationship between him and an underage female. Despite these challenges, he emphasized the need for sacrifice and teamwork to achieve success.

While Giddey has faced defensive challenges and has been left open by opposing teams, he demonstrated significant improvement in the game following his comments. He contributed 24 points, six rebounds, and six assists, and showed greater confidence in his play. His performance was marked by a strong defensive presence and crucial plays at pivotal moments in the game.

Giddey's journey has not been easy, but he remains optimistic about his progress. He emphasized the need for patience and resilience, acknowledging that overcoming slumps and challenges is a common experience for athletes. Despite the difficulties, he sees Sunday's game as a step in the right direction and is focused on regaining his confidence and decision-making abilities.

In summary, Giddey's recent performance demonstrates his determination to overcome his struggles and improve as a player. His willingness to acknowledge his challenges and work towards improvement is a testament to his resilience and commitment to success.

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