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Star Damo Suzuki Dies at Age 74: A Tribute to the Iconic Musician

Damo Suzuki, former Can frontman, dies at 74. His boundless creative energy has touched so many over the whole world.

Damo Suzuki, the Japanese-born music star and former frontman of the experimental rock band Can, has passed away at the age of 74. His death was announced on Can's Instagram account, with a message expressing great sadness at the loss of their "wonderful friend" and praising his boundless creative energy that touched people all over the world. Suzuki had been battling colon cancer since 2014, but remained optimistic about his health, even after being given just a ten percent chance of survival. Despite taking a decade-long break from music after leaving Can, Suzuki had no regrets about his career choices and was constantly looking to innovate, expressing a dislike for repetition and a preference for creating unique experiences in every performance. His passing marks the end of an era in the music world, leaving behind a legacy of creativity and positivity that will be forever missed.

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